
By default tut will interpret code in tut sheds as if it had been pasted into a Scala REPL. However sometimes you might want a definition without REPL noise, or might want to demonstrate non-compiling code (which would normally cause the build to fail). For these occasions tut provides a number of modifiers that you can add to the shed declaration. For instance,

object com { object woozle { object fnord }}
import com.woozle.fnord._

will produce the following output, suppressing REPL noise:

import com.woozle.fnord._

The following modifiers are supported. Note that you can use multiples if you like; for example you could use tut:silent:fail to show code that doesn’t compile, without showing the compilation error.

Modifier Explanation
:fail Code in the shed must throw an exception or fail to compile. Successful interpretation will cause a build failure.
:nofail Code in the shed might throw an exception or fail to compile. Such failure will not cause a build failure. Note that this modifier is deprecated in favor of :fail.
:silent Suppresses REPL prompts and output; under this modifier the input and output text are identical.
:plain Output will not have scala syntax highlighting.
:invisible Suppresses all output. This is not recommended since the point of tut is to provide code that the user can type in and expect to work. But in rare cases you might want one of these at the bottom of your file to clean up filesystem mess that your code left behind.
:book Output will be suitable for copy and paste into the REPL. That is, there are no REPL prompts or margins, and output from the REPL is commented.
:evaluated Suppresses REPL prompts and input statement, output only will be the evaluated statement.
:passthrough Same as evaluated but code fences are also removed. Useful for code generating Markdown.
:decorate(param) Decorates the output scala code block with param, enclosed in this way: {: param }, for use with Kramdown. You can add several decorate modifiers if you wish.
:reset Resets the REPL state prior to evaluating the code block. Use this option with care, as it has no visible indication and can be confusing to readers who are following along in their own REPLs.
:paste Code in the shed is pasted to the REPL.