17. Frequently-Asked Questions

In this chapter we address some frequently-asked questions, in no particular order. First a bit of set-up.

import doobie.imports._
import java.awt.geom.Point2D
import java.util.UUID
import cats._, cats.data._, cats.implicits._
import fs2.interop.cats._
import shapeless._

val xa = DriverManagerTransactor[IOLite](
  "org.postgresql.Driver", "jdbc:postgresql:world", "postgres", ""

val y = xa.yolo; import y._

My IDE is freaking out! What can I do?

Not much, sadly. Neither Scala’s presentation compiler (used by Scala-IDE and ENSIME) nor Intellij’s custom typechecker can deal with shapeless ProductArgs which is used by the sql and fr/fr0 interpolators.

There are open issues for IntelliJ that you can vote up if you like.

It has been reported that -Ymacro-expand:none improves the behavior of Scala-IDE, so you might investigate that (and please comment on the issue with your experience).

How do I do an IN clause?

This used to be very irritating, but as of 0.4.0 there is a good solution. See the section on IN clauses in Chapter 5 and Chapter 8 on statement fragments.

How do I ascribe an SQL type to an interpolated parameter?

Interpolated parameters are replaced with ? placeholders, so if you need to ascribe an SQL type you can use vendor-specific syntax in conjunction with the interpolated value. For example, in PostgreSQL you use :: type:

scala> val s = "foo"
s: String = foo

scala> sql"select $s".query[String].check.unsafePerformIO

  select ?

   SQL Compiles and Typechecks
    - ERROR: could not determine data type of parameter $1

scala> sql"select $s :: char".query[String].check.unsafePerformIO

  select ? :: char

   SQL Compiles and Typechecks
   P01 String    CHAR (bpchar)
   C01 bpchar CHAR (bpchar) NULL?    String

How do I do several things in the same transaction?

You can use a for comprehension to compose any number of ConnectionIO programs, and then call .transact(xa) on the result. All of the composed programs will run in the same transaction. For this reason it’s useful for your APIs to expose values in ConnectionIO, so higher-level code can place transaction boundaries as needed.

How do I run something outside of a transaction?

Transactor.transact takes a ConnectionIO and constructs a Task or similar that will run it in a single transaction, but it is also possible to include transaction boundaries within a ConnectionIO, and to disable transaction handling altogether. Some kinds of DDL statements may require this for some databases. You can define a combinator to do this for you.

 * Take a program `p` and return an equivalent one that first commits any ongoing transaction, runs
 * `p` without transaction handling, then starts a new transaction.
def withoutTransaction[A](p: ConnectionIO[A]): ConnectionIO[A] =
  FC.setAutoCommit(true) *> p <* FC.setAutoCommit(false)

Note that you need both of these operations if you are using a Transactor because it will always start a transaction and will try to commit on completion.

How do I turn an arbitrary SQL string into a Query0/Update0?

As of doobie 0.4.0 this is done via statement fragments. Here we choose the sort order dynamically.

case class Code(country: String)
case class City(code: Code, name: String, population: Int)

def cities(code: Code, asc: Boolean): Query0[City] = {
  val ord = if (asc) fr"ASC" else fr"DESC"
  val sql = fr"""
    SELECT countrycode, name, population
    FROM   city
    WHERE  countrycode = $code
    ORDER BY name""" ++ ord

We can check the resulting Query0 as expected.

scala> cities(Code("USA"), true).check.unsafePerformIO

      SELECT countrycode, name, population
      FROM   city
      WHERE  countrycode = ?
      ORDER BY name ASC 

  ✓ SQL Compiles and Typechecks
  ✓ P01 Code  →  CHAR (bpchar)
  ✓ C01 countrycode CHAR    (bpchar)  NOT NULL  →  Code
  ✓ C02 name        VARCHAR (varchar) NOT NULL  →  String
  ✓ C03 population  INTEGER (int4)    NOT NULL  →  Int

And it works!

scala> cities(Code("USA"), true).process.take(5).quick.unsafePerformIO

scala> cities(Code("USA"), false).process.take(5).quick.unsafePerformIO
  City(Code(USA),Wichita Falls,104197)

How do I handle outer joins?

With an outer join you end up with set of nullable columns, which you typically want to map to a single Option of some composite type. The most straightforward way to do this is to select the Option columns directly, then use the map method on Query0 to transform the result type using applicative composition on the optional values:

case class Country(name: String, code: String)
case class City(name: String, district: String)

val join: Query0[(Country, Option[City])] =
    select c.name, c.code,
           k.name, k.district
    from country c
    left outer join city k
    on c.capital = k.id
  """.query[(Country, Option[String], Option[String])].map {
    case (c, n, d) => (c, (n |@| d).map(City))

Some examples, filtered for size.

scala> join.process.filter(_._1.name.startsWith("United")).quick.unsafePerformIO
  (Country(United Arab Emirates,ARE),Some(City(Abu Dhabi,Abu Dhabi)))
  (Country(United Kingdom,GBR),Some(City(London,England)))
  (Country(United States,USA),Some(City(Washington,District of Columbia)))
  (Country(United States Minor Outlying Islands,UMI),None)

How do I resolve error: Could not find or construct Param[...]?

When we use the sql interpolator we require a Param instance for an HList composed of the types of the interpolated query parameters. For instance, in the following code (which has parameters of type String and UUID, in that order) we need a Param[String :: UUID :: HNil] and none is available.

scala> def query(s: String, u: UUID) = sql"… $s … $u …".query[Int]
<console>:37: error: Could not find or construct Param[shapeless.::[String,shapeless.::[java.util.UUID,shapeless.HNil]]].
Ensure that this type is an atomic type with an Atom instance in scope, or is an HList whose members
have Atom instances in scope. You can usually diagnose this problem by trying to summon the Atom
instance for each element in the REPL. See the FAQ in the Book of Doobie for more hints.
       def query(s: String, u: UUID) = sql"… $s … $u …".query[Int]

Ok, so the message suggests that we need an Meta[A] for each A or Option[A] in the HList, so let’s see which one is missing by trying to summon them in the REPL.

scala> Meta[String]
res11: doobie.util.meta.Meta[String] = doobie.util.meta$Meta$$anon$3@c059010

scala> Meta[UUID]
<console>:37: error: Could not find an instance of Meta[java.util.UUID]; you can construct one based on a primitive instance via `xmap`.

So what this means is that we have not defined a mapping for the UUID type to an underlying JDBC type, and doobie doesn’t know how to set an argument of that type on the underlying PreparedStatement. So we have a few choices. We can xmap from an existing Meta instance, as described in Chapter 10; or we can import a provided mapping from a vendor-specific contrib package. Since we’re using PostgreSQL here, let’s do that.

scala> import doobie.postgres.imports.UuidType
import doobie.postgres.imports.UuidType

Having done this, the Meta and Param instances are now present and our code compiles.

scala> Meta[UUID]
res13: doobie.util.meta.Meta[java.util.UUID] = doobie.util.meta$Meta$$anon$4@3184d8a0

scala> Param[String :: UUID :: HNil]
res14: doobie.util.param.Param[shapeless.::[String,shapeless.::[java.util.UUID,shapeless.HNil]]] = Param(doobie.util.composite$LowerPriorityComposite$$anon$10@6a678db2)

scala> def query(s: String, u: UUID) = sql"select ... where foo = $s and url = $u".query[Int]
query: (s: String, u: java.util.UUID)doobie.util.query.Query0[Int]

How do I resolve error: Could not find or construct Composite[...]?

When we use the sql interpolator and use the .query[A] method we require a Composite instance for the output type A, which we can define directly (as described in Chapter 10) or derive automatically if A has a Meta instance, or is an option thereof, or a product type whose elements have Composite instances.

case class Point(lat: Double, lon: Double)
case class City(name: String, loc: Point)
case class State(name: String, capitol: City)

In this case if we were to say .query[State] the derivation would be automatic, because all elements of the “flattened” structure have Meta instances for free.

State(String, City(String, Point(Double, Double))) // our structure
     (String,     (String,      (Double, Double))) // is isomorphic to this
      String,      String,       Double, Double    // so we expect a column vector of this shape

But what if we wanted to use AWT’s Point2D.Double instead of our own Point class?

case class City(name: String, loc: Point2D.Double)
case class State(name: String, capitol: City)

The derivation now fails.

scala> sql"…".query[State]
<console>:40: error: Could not find or construct Composite[State].

  If State is a simple type (or option thereof) that maps to a single column, you're
  probably missing a Meta instance. If State is a product type (typically a case class,
  tuple, or HList) then probably one of its component types is missing a Composite instance. You can
  usually diagnose this by evaluating Composite[Foo] for each element Foo of the product type in
  question. See the FAQ in the Book of Doobie for more hints.


And if we look at the flat structure it’s clear that the culprit has to be Point2D.Double since we know String has a defined column mapping.

State(String, City(String, Point2D.Double)) // our structure
     (String,     (String, Point2D.Double)) // is isomorphic to this
      String,      String, Point2D.Double   // so we expect a column vector of this shape

And indeed this type has no column vector mapping.

scala> Composite[Point2D.Double]
<console>:38: error: Could not find or construct Composite[java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double].

  If java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double is a simple type (or option thereof) that maps to a single column, you're
  probably missing a Meta instance. If java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double is a product type (typically a case class,
  tuple, or HList) then probably one of its component types is missing a Composite instance. You can
  usually diagnose this by evaluating Composite[Foo] for each element Foo of the product type in
  question. See the FAQ in the Book of Doobie for more hints.


If this were an atomic type it would be a matter of importing or defining a Meta instance, but here we need to define a Composite directly because we’re mapping a type with several members. As this type is isomorphic to (Double, Double) we can simply base our mapping off of the existing Composite.

implicit val Point2DComposite: Composite[Point2D.Double] =
  Composite[(Double, Double)].imap(
    (t: (Double, Double)) => new Point2D.Double(t._1, t._2))(
    (p: Point2D.Double) => (p.x, p.y)

Our derivation now works and the code compiles.

scala> sql"…".query[State]
res17: doobie.util.query.Query0[State] = doobie.util.query$Query$$anon$7@7611f9d1

How do I time query execution?

How do I log the SQL produced for my query after interpolation?

As of doobie 0.4 there is a reasonable solution to the logging/instrumentation question. See Chapter 10 for more details.

Why is there no Meta[SQLXML]?

There are a lot of ways to handle SQLXML so there is no pre-defined strategy, but here is one that maps scala.xml.Elem to SQLXML via streaming.

import doobie.enum.jdbctype.Other
import java.sql.SQLXML
import scala.xml.{ XML, Elem }

implicit val XmlMeta: Meta[Elem] =
    (rs, n) => XML.load(rs.getObject(n).asInstanceOf[SQLXML].getBinaryStream),
    (ps, n,  e) => {
      val sqlXml = ps.getConnection.createSQLXML
      val osw = new java.io.OutputStreamWriter(sqlXml.setBinaryStream)
      XML.write(osw, e, "UTF-8", false, null)
      ps.setObject(n, sqlXml)
    (_, _,  _) => sys.error("update not supported, sorry")

How do I set the chunk size for streaming results?

By default streams constructed with the sql interpolator are fetched Query.DefaultChunkSize rows at a time (currently 512). If you wish to change this chunk size you can use processWithChunkSize for queries, and withGeneratedKeysWithChunkSize for updates that return results.