class: center, middle # Sweeping crap APIs under the rug. Rob Norris / `@tpolecat` --- # The Setup ##Crap API (Generalized): > An object with at least one impure method. > > - `` > - `scala.util.Random` > - ... ## Our Goal > Turn any crap API into a pure functional API. > - Effects → Values > - Prevent the user from using the crap object for evil. > - Isolate any remaining impurity in one place. --- # State Monad ```scala case class State[S,A](eval: S => (S, A)) { def map[B](f: A => B): State[S, B] = State { s => val (s0, a) = eval(s); (s0, f(a)) } def flatMap[B](f: A => State[S, B]): State[S, B] = State { s => val (s0, a) = eval(s); f(a).eval(s0) } } def unit[S,A](a: A): State[S, A] = State(s => (s, a)) def gets[S,A](f: S => A): State[S, A] = State(s => (s, f(s))) def put[S](s: S): State[S, Unit] = State(_ => (s, ())) ``` --- # Random Actions ```scala object RandomWorld { type Action[A] = State[Random, A] def nextInt(max: Int): Action[Int] = gets(rnd => rnd.nextInt(max)) val nextLetter: Action[Char] = nextInt('z' - 'a').map(n => ('a' + n).toChar) def nextWord(len: Int): Action[String] = if (len < 1) unit("") else for { l <- nextLetter w <- nextWord(len - 1) } yield l + w implicit class Ops[A](a: Action[A]) { def run(seed: Long): A = a.eval(new Random(seed))._2 } } ``` --- # Functional Random Words ```scala object Main extends App { import RandomWorld._ val twice: Action[(String, String)] = for { a <- nextWord(5) b <- nextWord(5) } yield (a, b) println( // (mrwhc,vpwau) println( // (mrwhc,vpwau) of course } ``` --- # Oh Noes! ```scala object Main extends App { import RandomWorld._ val twice: Action[(String, String)] = for { a <- nextWord(5) _ <- gets((r: Random) => r.setSeed(System.currentTimeMillis)) b <- nextWord(5) } yield (a, b) println( // (mrwhc,cahrh) println( // (mrwhc,dnahv) } ``` --- # Protected State Monad ```scala trait PS { // Construction and eval are possible only in the 4 methods below case class State[S, A] private[PS] (private[PS] eval: S => (S, A)) { def map[B](f: A => B): State[S, B] = State { s => val (s0, a) = eval(s); (s0, f(a)) } def flatMap[B](f: A => State[S, B]): State[S, B] = State { s => val (s0, a) = eval(s); f(a).eval(s0) } } // Methods available only to subclasses protected def unit[S,A](a: A): State[S, A] = State(s => (s, a)) protected def gets[S,A](f: S => A): State[S, A] = State(s => (s, f(s))) protected def put[S](s: S): State[S, Unit] = State(_ => (s, ())) protected def eval[S,A](s: S, a: State[S,A]): (S, A) = a.eval(s) } ``` --- # Safer Random Actions ```scala object RandomWorld extends PS { type Action[A] = State[Random, A] def nextInt(max: Int): Action[Int] = ... val nextLetter: Action[Char] = ... def nextWord(len: Int): Action[String] = ... implicit class Ops[A](a: Action[A]) { def run(seed: Long): A = eval(new Random(seed), a)._2 } } object Main extends App { import RandomWorld._ // I can only see nextInt, nextLetter, nextWord } ``` --- # Even More Protected State Monad ```scala trait VPS { // The passed state is knowable only to subclasses protected type S // State type S does not appear on any public part of Action case class Action[A] private[VPS] (private[VPS] eval: S => (S, A)) { def map[B](f: A => B): Action[B] = Action { s => val (s0, a) = eval(s); (s0, f(a)) } def flatMap[B](f: A => Action[B]): Action[B] = Action { s => val (s0, a) = eval(s); f(a).eval(s0) } } protected def unit[A](a: A): Action[A] = Action(s => (s, a)) protected def gets[A](f: S => A): Action[A] = Action(s => (s, f(s))) protected def put(s: S): Action[Unit] = Action(_ => (s, ())) protected def eval[A](s: S, a: Action[A]): (S, A) = a.eval(s) } ``` --- # Yet Safer Random Actions ```scala object RandomWorld extends VPS { protected type S = Random def nextInt(max: Int): Action[Int] = ??? val nextLetter: Action[Char] = ??? def nextWord(len: Int): Action[String] = ??? implicit class Ops[A](a: Action[A]) { def run(seed: Long): A = eval(new Random(seed), a)._2 } } object Main extends App { import RandomWorld._ // As before, but Action[A] no longer aliases State[Random, A] // so I now have no insight into the internals of RandomWorld } ``` --- # Abstract the World ```scala trait EffectWorld { protected type S type Action[A] protected def action[A](f: S => (S, A)): Action[A] protected def eval[A](s: S, a: Action[A]): (S, A) protected def unit[A](a: A): Action[A] = action(s => (s, a)) protected def gets[A](f: S => A): Action[A] = action(s => (s, f(s))) protected def put(s: S): Action[Unit] = action(_ => (s, ())) } ``` --- # StateWorld ```scala trait StateWorld extends EffectWorld { // omitted: private[StateWorld] case class Action[A](eval: S => (S, A)) { def map[B](f: A => B): Action[B] = Action { s => val (s0, a) = eval(s); (s0, f(a)) } def flatMap[B](f: A => Action[B]): Action[B] = Action { s => val (s0, a) = eval(s); f(a).eval(s0) } } protected def action[A](f: S => (S, A)) = Action(f) protected def eval[A](s: S, a: Action[A]) = a.eval(s) } ``` --- # TrampolineWorld ```scala trait TrampolineWorld extends EffectWorld { // omitted: protected[TrampolineWorld] case class Action[A](t: S => Trampoline[(S, A)]) { def map[B](f: A => B): Action[B] = Action(s => t(s) map { case (s0, a) => (s0, f(a)) }) def flatMap[B](f: A => Action[B]): Action[B] = Action(s => t(s) flatMap { case (s0, a) => f(a).t(s0) }) } protected def action[A](f: S => (S, A)) = Action(s => delay(f(s))) protected def eval[A](s: S, a: Action[A]) = a.t(s).run } ``` --- # FreeWorld ```scala trait FreeWorld extends EffectWorld { // Omited: private[FreeWorld] case class Op[+A](f: S => (S, A)) implicit val OpFunctor: Functor[Op] = new Functor[Op] { def map[A, B](op: Op[A])(g: A => B) = Op(s => op.f(s).rightMap(g)) } type Action[A] = Free[Op, A] protected def action[A](f: S => (S, A)): Action[A] = Suspend(Op(f(_).rightMap(Return(_)))) protected final def eval[A](s: S, a: Action[A]): (S, A) = a.resume match { case -\/(Op(f)) => val (s0, a) = f(s) eval(s0, a) case \/-(a) => (s, a) } } ``` --- # Final Version ```scala object RandomWorld extends TrampolineWorld { protected type S = Random def nextInt(max: Int): Action[Int] = ... val nextLetter: Action[Char] = ... def nextWord(len: Int): Action[String] = ... implicit class Ops[A](a: Action[A]) { def run(seed: Long): A = eval(new Random(seed), a)._2 } } object Main extends App { import RandomWorld._ val twice: Action[(String, String)] = for { a <- nextWord(5) b <- nextWord(5) } yield (a, b) println( // (mrwhc,vpwau) println( // (mrwhc,vpwau) of course } ``` --- class: center, middle # Thanks! Questions? Rob Norris / `@tpolecat`
Code will be available soon, watch the tweeter.