class: center, middle # Pure-Functional Database Access in Scala Rob Norris / `@tpolecat` ??? - name is rob - going to talk about some work i have been doing with pure functional database access - please ask questions as I go, it's likely i will lose some people since i haven't put a lot of time into this --- # What is Functional Programming? Key idea: *Referential Transparency* - Expressions can be replaced with their values without changing the meaning of the program. - More generally, equivalent expressions are interchangeable. - When you can't do the above, we call it a *side effect*. - Printing to the console - Throwing an exception - Looking at the clock - Reading a file - Etc., etc. Intuition: FP is about programming with *values* ??? - so RT is a syntactic property of programs that tells you what kinds of transformations you can do freely - so what you get is equational reasoning; you can treat equal things as truly equal --- # What is Functional IO? Key idea: *programs* are values ```scala sealed trait ConsoleAction case class Print(s: String) extends ConsoleAction case object Newline extends ConsoleAction type Program = List[ConsoleAction] ``` Here is a pure functional IO program: ```scala val prog = List(Print("Hello"), Newline, Print("World!")) ``` --- # What is Functional IO? ... ```scala val prog = List(Print("Hello"), Newline, Print("World!")) ``` Here is a possible *interpreter* for our program. ```scala def stringInterpreter(p: Program): String = p.foldLeft("") { (accum, a) => a match { case Print(s) => accum + s case Newline => accum + '\n' } } ``` And we can run it: ```scala scala> stringInterpreter(prog) res0: String = Hello World! ``` --- # What is Functional IO? ... ```scala scala> stringInterpreter(prog) res0: String = Hello World! ``` Note: - No side-effects anywhere. - `prog` is just a value. --- # What is Functional IO? Another interpreter: ```scala def unsafeInterpreter(p: Program): Unit = p.foreach { case Print(s) => Console.print(s) case Newline => Console.println() } ``` And we can run it: ```scala scala> unsafeInterpreter(prog) Hello World! ``` --- # What is Functional IO? ... ```scala scala> unsafeInterpreter(prog) Hello World! ``` Note: - No side-effects anywhere *until we run the unsafe interpreter* - `prog` is *still* just a value. Intuition: - We treat the interpreter as *part of the runtime*. - We can talk about programs as values right up until we run them. ??? - Ok so in real life you need something more sophisticated than a list of statements, but you actually don't need *much* more. - Data structure called `Free` that provides this minimal structure, and that's what is really happning in the examples I'll be showing you. --- # Problems with Existing DB Libs - Not functional (effects are uncontrolled). - Unprincipled resource management (implicit sessions). - No proper abstractions. - Lots of new not-quite-right stuff to learn. - Can't build big programs from smaller ones. - Can't reuse existing library support like scalaz. - Some people can cope with this. I can't. ??? - today there was a guy on `#scala` struggling to abstract over tables in Slick and he was really suffering. --- # Introducing Doobie Pure-functional library for writing JDBC programs. - Programs are values. - Monadic API (no nutty DSL) with familiar scalaz abstractions. - *Interpreted* into a target monad of your choosing (`IO` and `Task` provided). API is open; you can write your own interpreter if you prefer. - *Not* an ORM. - *Not* a relational algebra or SQL generator, although such a thing could be built on top. --- # Introducing Doobie Out of the box: - Low-level API allows direct translation of existing imperative JDBC code. - Supports full `java.sql` API (as of JDK 1.6) - Designed for library implementors. - High-level API provides a resource-safe subset with higher-level features: - Typeclass-based mapping of product types to columns. - Treat result sets as streams. - String interpolation and other syntax to make this easy. - Designed for end users. - *Good* support for String-based queries. - Same types used in both APIs; drop down as needed. --- # Low-Level API Key idea: *nested* programs
- Each carrier type has its own monadic DSL, and all can be interpreted directly or lifted into another carrier type's DSL. ??? - So what this means is, you can use doobie just to process a resultset, and do everything else with your existing database code; all you need is a resultset. - Or you can build your whole program by composing programs written in these little languages. --- # Low-Level API Example program. You are not expected to think this looks easy. ```scala // Data type to read case class CountryCode(code: String) // DriverManager program val tmain: DriverManagerIO[List[CountryCode]] = for { c <- getConnection("jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1", "sa", "") a <- liftConnection(c, speakerQuery("English", 10)) } yield a // Connection Program def speakerQuery(s: String, p: Double): ConnectionIO[List[CountryCode]] = for { ps <- prepareStatement("""SELECT COUNTRYCODE FROM COUNTRYLANGUAGE WHERE LANGUAGE = ? AND PERCENTAGE > ?""") l <- liftPreparedStatement(ps, // PreparedStatement Program for { _ <- setString(1, s) _ <- setDouble(2, p) rs <- executeQuery l <- liftResultSet(rs, unroll(getString(1).map(CountryCode(_)))) } yield l) } yield l ``` ??? - Things to notice, we're just using monad comprehensions here to sequence our computations. - We use lifting to embed smaller programs inside larger one. --- # Low-Level API Example program (cont'd) ```scala // ResultSet Program def unroll[A](action: ResultSetIO[A]): ResultSetIO[List[A]] = { def unroll0(as: List[A]): ResultSetIO[List[A]] = next flatMap { case false => as.point[ResultSetIO] case true => action flatMap { a => unroll0(a :: as) } } unroll0(Nil).map(_.reverse) } // Main Program def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = tmain.trans[IO].traverseU(putStrLn).unsafePerformIO ``` Takeaway: - Powerful and very general; can write *any* JDBC program this way. - Must be careful: raw JDBC objects, manual error handling. - Also kind of verbose. ??? - But, we're using map and flatMap and traverse and all these operations that you get for free if you use the right abstractions. - Ok but you don't want to write programs like this; it's too much work. So most of the time... --- # High-Level API - Same types as low-level API, but all operations are resource-safe. - Implemented entirely in terms of low-level API. (Abstractions FTW) - Syntax and helper classes. --- # High-Level API A much better program, in much less code: ```scala // Data type to read case class Country(name: String, continent: String, population: Int) // Transactor knows how to create connection and manage transactions val xa = DriverManagerTransactor[Task]("org.h2.Driver", "jdbc:...", "sa", "") // A parameterized query, as a scalaz-stream Process def q(e: Double) = sql"""SELECT NAME, CONTINENT, POPULATION FROM COUNTRY WHERE LIFEEXPECTANCY >= $e""".process[Country] // Transact yields Process[Task,Country] ... stream top 5 results to stdout val program = xa.transact(q(80)).take(5).map(_.toString).to(io.stdOutLines).run // Main program def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = ``` ??? - (Be sure to talk about desugaring of query) --- class: center, middle # Demos --- # Status - Currently a preview release (0.1) for the daring. - Features in the works. - High-level API support for callable statements. - Integration with HTTP4s. - Structured logging ([example]( - Static typechecking of SQL literals. - Relational algebra (SQL generation). --- class: center, middle # Thanks! Questions? Rob Norris / `@tpolecat`
Code and examples at ``.
??? - feedback, complaints